Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Would you?

 Your friend has a destructive habit or behavior, do you risk your relationship and let the person know how you feel about their behavior or do you just let it slid?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Did you know?

January is Bath safety month, Clown month and Oatmeal month  So celebrate!

Monday, January 3, 2011

How Long is too Long?

 Christmas is over the family is gone, or are they? Readers how long is too long when family comes for a visit? How does one politely kick family out when their welcome is worn?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Induce or not induce ?

Concerned pregnant woman writes "I am wanting as natural of a child birth as possible but have the opportunity to be induced a week early , I had a very difficult first delivery and ended up tearing so severely they wanted to do reconstructive surgery. Do I induce a week early in hopes that baby will fit or do I wait go into labor on my own to have a more natural and less medically induced experience?."    

Dear Concerned, First off I have no real medical knowledge so always make sure you talk to your doctor, doula or midwife first. My advice would be to induce.  Looking at your past history I would say that you will save yourself a lot of pain if you go with inducement. Let's say you forgo the inducement you let baby come when he or she is ready and you tear again is this going to help you bond better with baby or will you feel resentment?  You are no less of a good mom if you induce, this is coming from a women who had three c-sections one v-bac .  Good luck and happy delivery!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Resign Time

   Yay our first question, Super mom writes "I'm trying to decide whether to quit the board at the preschool, it causes me nothing but stress, I made a commitment but at what point can I resign?"     

Supermom, my advice would be to wait until elections for a new board or if that is to far off I think it's perfectly acceptable to give two weeks to a month's notice and throwing in a nice box of chocolate might help.Thanks for being my first question, I hope I was able to help.

Readers what would you suggest?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Questions Please

I'm bossy, I'm the oldest in my family I have three girls all these things have turned me into a bossy opinionated 27 yr old. I have decided to give my family a break and now I'm hoping with this blog people will indulge me with questions they need answers to. If you want advice or have questions, here I am use me. I'm free cause... I'm not a professional.